Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Second IUI scheduled

I went in today for my second ultrasound to determine how many follicles I had. To my surprise there were 5! Yes, 5!  2 of the 5 were smaller at 16mm, but nonetheless that is a lot! The nurse told me to trigger right then and come back in tomorrow at 10:30 with the sample and plan to have the procedure done at 11:30 because she didn't want to me to have the follicles get any larger or that I produce more. I am nervous and was not really prepared to be going in tomorrow. I thought I would be having the procedure on Thursday, so I mentally prepared myself for that day.

Oh...the nurse said that I only had a less than 5% chance of conceiving multiples.  That is promising.....I do NOT want to become the next Octomom! LOL!

Anyway, I just gave myself the trigger shot a couple of hours ago.  Let's keep our fingers crossed that this cycle of IUI works....I don't know if I could handle a different outcome!