Wednesday, November 23, 2011

HCG of 2....

Well, I had my Beta done today at 8:30am.  I hadn't heard back by 10:30 so I called the office for the results. The nurse said, "Sorry, but the results are negative, your beta is 2."  She then proceeded to explain ...which I have heard a million times....that anything below 5 is considered negative. I asked the nurse why my beta was 2 and not 0?  She told me that it was likely because the embryo tried to implant but was unsuccessful.  BUMMER!  How can 5 follicles and such a good semen sample NOT produce a baby? I guess this explains why about 8dpiui by entire breasts were tender and now just the nipple area is.  This would also explain why I got a faint line on a pregnancy test at 12dpiui and a negative on 13dpiui. 

I spoke with Eric and he made me feel so much better.  We tossed around various ideas of next steps.  We have decided that for the next 3 months we will eat healthy,(organic), get in good shape, and that I will consult with a naturopathic doctor who specializes in fertility. (more importantly woman with thin uterine lining and multiple miscarriages, such as myself)  At the end of that 3 month time we will reconvene and determine if we are up for going back to the fertility doctor or not.  Our issue is that we have had much more success getting pregnant on our own. We have had ZERO lucky conceiving with the help of a fertility doctor. With that being said maybe my body doesn't like all of the chemicals that I am putting in it.  I have had one successful and natural pregnancy.  There has to be a reason why things are not working. Maybe I am not processing something or lacking something.  It can't hurt to try something else.

Has anyone read, The Infertility Cure?

Monday, November 21, 2011

Taylor Jo turns 6!

This past weekend we celebrated Taylor's 6th birthday. This was the first year that she invited her own friends. In previous year Eric and I would invite our friends and their children. The theme was Hello Kitty and we had a clown entertain the kiddos.

 Meet Razzleberry the clown.
 A living room full of balloons.

 The Hello Kitty cake.
 The birthday girl.
 Here are the kiddos ...
 This is one of the gifts that Grandpa and Grandma got for Taylor.....she thinks it is amazing!

Another..not so clear test.

I just really should stop torturing myself and wait until my blood test on Wednesday. I think I am trying to prepare myself to have the visit from A.F. I guess my logic is that if I see a not so clear or even negative test that getting A.F. or a negative blood test won't hurt so bad. 

I took another test this morning...however, it was only16 hours from the first one.  This test looked the same as the first. Not a real definitive line..but, if I turn my head just so.  I think I will chalk this one up to a negative.

Then, I think about the fact that I could be seeing the evaporation line or the "normal" part of the pregnancy test that the manufacturers tell you that you may just see.  Seriously....pregnancy tests aren't so easy either.  Between the possibly pregnancy symptoms and the possible line on the pregnancy test I am making myself nuts!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Maybe it was positive.....if I turn my head just so.

Okay...I hope I am not jinxing myself. I took a pregnancy test today.

When you first look at the test it appears to be negative, but if you look again..and tilt your head you can see the slightest....ever so slightest line.I showed it to Eric who compared it against a new test.....he said he could see the line, but thinks that you can always see where the other line is supposed to be. That is likely the case.....except with me.  I know, I sound like the typical "wishing, and hoping I am pregnant woman. " Seriously, though I have taken enough pregnancy tests to know that I DO NOT get that line.  In fact, when I was pregnant with Taylor I had the same situation.  

I am going to test tomorrow with first morning urine.  Tomorrow I will be at 12dpiui.  I figure that should give me a more accurate reading. Hopefully I will see a more definite second line.

Oh, yeah...did I mention that I cannot stop poking and prodding myself.  I really need to get a life and stop obsessing!